With Pokemon GO already taking over parks, stores, and theme parks, it was only a matter of time until some safety guidelines were issued. LEGOLAND Florida has just issued their restrictions for kids seeking to “catch ’em all” as they play Pokémon GO, the tremendously popular new app.
Pokémon have been spotted throughout the resort and guests are welcome to play during their visit, but the resort has issued a few ground rules to ensure a safe search.
- Even a Pokémon Master must stay within guest areas. Please don’t climb any fences or follow any Pokémon into employee only areas.
- No catch is worth sacrificing your safety. All play must pause throughout the duration of your ride until you exit the ride.
- Be sure not to bump into one of our more than 60 million LEGO models – that could hurt!
- With more than one hundred Pokémon to catch, be sure to stay hydrated.
- If you find a Pokémon at the Fun Town Pizza Pasta Buffet, let the nearest Model Citizen know, we prefer pepperoni over Poké Balls.
- If hours of play have unleashed the power of your phone, recharge in the Imagination Zone.
- If your wild encounter leads you to Wyldstyle, keep in mind she may need to stop for a selfie with another guest before you can make your catch.
Seems reasonable enough. Are you playing Pokémon GO at your local theme park?
(Photos courtesy LEGOLAND and user Poust)